Garry Holloway FGAA, DipDT, JAA Appraiser
The Ideal-Scope and Ideal-Scope.com were developed by Garry Holloway FGAA, DipDT, JAA Appraiser.
A geologist turned retail jeweller, he opened Melbourne Precious Metals stores in 1976 which are now known as Holloway Diamonds. His stores are recognized worldwide for the quality of both their stones and award-wining designs.
After graduating from Diamond Technology at the Gemmological Association of Australia in 1984, he was invited by the association to convene that course for some years. He continues to lecture on his specialty the Science of Light™ and diamond cut, and speaks at conventions and on panels around the world as an authority on the subject,
The concept behind the Idealscope was developed in Japan in the 1970′s by Professor Okuda and led to the development of a the Fire Scope™, a limited distribution desk top device. The Idealscope is a third generation portable variant.
Garry is one of the main players in the world of diamond cut quality grading. His mission in life is to make diamonds more beautiful.

It is a simple bright colored reflector with a viewing hole and lens. It creates what is known as a structured light environment.
The Ideal-Scope gives us indications of a diamonds brilliance; i.e. its light return and leakage as well as its contrast (which has a lot to do with scintillation).
It may also be used as a simple optical symmetry grading tool, like a Hearts and Arrows viewer (but the H&A’s viewer only shows symmetry). Advanced users can predict the amount of fire a diamond might have. This gives diamond polishers additional control by adjustment to some “minor facets” like the lower girdle facet length.
The Ideal-Scope may be used with any shaped diamond, of any color or clarity.
At Ideal-Scope we work tirelessly to create easy to use and affordable tools for anyone buying diamonds (consumers and the trade). We also work closely with many other organisations and businesses to implement improvements at the diamond polishers wheel, where it counts the most.