Planning the production of diamonds with Ideal-Scope images can be done with Sarin DiaExpert, Lexus and OctoNus scanners. You can see what happens to the planned diamond cut quality as you change the proportions.
To show Ideal-Scope views the scanner must have OctoNus DiamCalc software. This is standard with OctoNus Helium and Pacor, and new Lexus planners; old models can be upgraded.
Ideal-Scope planning can be done on the first scan, but the greatest benefit will comes after bruting, fine tuning of both yield and performance. Mr Janak Mistry gave an example at the First Diamond Cut Conference; the heaviest AGS 0 (steepest and deepest ) would have yeilded 1.90ct, but when planned using the Ideal-Scope DiamCalc view, on the Lexus planner, a return of 2.03ct was achieved. The actual screen shots are shown on the right hand side. The 2.03ct stone had more brilliance fire and scintillation.